Thursday, October 6, 2011

Making Laundry Detergent, and Dishwashing Detergent:

I have had a lot of people ask me how I make my own laundry detergent, and dish-washing detergent. I wanted to wait and add pictures, but since I made so much last time I would be waiting a long time :)

This recipe yields enough detergent to do a years worth of laundry, and cost me about $11 for both the laundry and dishwashing detYou can find this in your grocery laundry aisle ergent :)

For the Laundry Detergent:

Borax ($3-$4)You can find this in your grocery laundry aisle.
Washing Soda... not to be confused with baking soda- ($3-$4) You can find this in your grocery laundry aisle.
1 bar ivory soap ($1)
Funnel ($1)
5 gallon bucket with lid ($3) I got mine at Home Depot. Its ugly, and orange, but it was cheap.
Containers you can save up (Free!) You will want the equivalent on 10 gallons. I used about 21 2 liters. (It has been brought to my attention that you should not use Milk jugs, as they eventually disintegrate. Crazy huh?!)
White Vinegar ($2 for a tub)

1. Shred your Ivory Soap. (You can substitute for any soap without added moisturizers or lotions) I did this using a cheese grater, but you can use a food processor if you would like. You want it to be nice an thin. Almost like dust.

2. Add this to a pot of hot water and heat until melted. Do not boil unless you would like your house to stink and a huge mess. :)

3. While this is heating add hot water to your bucket. (Note from personal experience. Do this with the bucket on the floor. I was dumb.) You want it filled about half way.

4. Add one cup of Borax, and one cup washing powder to your bucket. Stir very well. I used my husbands drill with a mixer extension for this- Well my husband used it. It was an excuse for him to use a tool. :)

5. Add your melted Ivory soap to the mix and fill the bucket with hot water (remember to leave some room for mixing.) Stir very well.

5. Put a lid on your bucket and let it sit for 24 hours.

6. Open the container and Stir again (it may look Egg soup like. This is perfectly normal)

7. You want to cut the recipe with half hot water again. So fill your containers half way with very hot water, and use a funnel to fill the rest of the way with your mixture.

Your done. Easy right?

You will need to use 1/2 cup for regular loads and 3/4 c for extra large loads. I also use these on my diapers, and I add 2 tbs vinegar per load. No stinkies yet!

For the Dishwashing Detergent:

1 Part Washing Soda
1 Part Borax

Mix and store in an air tight container. Use 2 tbsp per load, Vinegar for your rinse.


  1. thank you for this! i am definitely using it. we are in the process of saving our 2 liters right now :)

  2. Im so glad to hear that. Let me know how it turns out for you! I use Downy Unstoppable's for the clothes that I want to smell really nice, but you could also add a soap that is more fragrant :)
